


Insert Comment | Delete Comment | Show Comments

Insert a comment in Excel 2019 to start a conversation or to give feedback about the content of a cell. Old style comments are still available and are now called notes.

Insert Comment

To insert a comment, execute the following steps.

1. Select a cell.

2. Right click, and then click New Comment.

New Comment

Tip: to insert an old style comment, click New Note.

3. Type your comment and post it.

Post Comment

Excel displays a purple indicator in the upper-right corner of the cell.

4. Hover over the cell to view the comment.

View Comment

5. To edit a comment, hover over the comment and click Edit.

Edit Comment

6. Others can now reply to your comment.

Reply to Comment

Tip: use OneDrive to share your Excel file with other people.

Delete Comment

To delete a comment, execute the following steps.

1. Select the cell with the comment.

2. Right click, and then click Delete Comment.

Delete Comment

Show Comments

To view all comments in an Excel file, execute the following steps.

1. On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click Show Comments.

Show Comments

Tip: instead of using the Review tab, simply click the Comments button in the upper-right corner of the ribbon.

Click Comments

Excel opens the Comments pane with all comments in this Excel file.

Comments Pane

Tip: you can also use this pane to edit, reply to, and delete comments.

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