
How To Insert Waffle Chart In Excel

In this lesson you will learn how to insert Waffle Chart in Excel. That kind of chart has got a few advantages. Waffle Chart is nice what means that it is a good choice for Power Point presentations. Data presented are well visible so it is a really good for showing simple results. Waffle Chart is not a good choice for more complex sets of data.

To start preparing Waffle Chart in Excel you need to prepare chart area. I did it for 10 x 10 cells area what is the most used for that type of chart. As you see on the picture below I set grey color for cells background and also changed font color for grey. It is important to use the same color.

Prepare Chart Area

Next you need to set conditional formatting for cells inside chart area. To do it go to ribbon and click Conditional Formatting -> New Rule.

Conditional Formatting New Rule

New Formatting Rule should be set for cells that contain equal to TRUE value. Also you need to click Format button and set Font color and Fill to the same color. I chose blue.

New Formatting Rule

Next click the first cell in your chart area and use this formula:


Drag and drop the cell and set it for every cell in the whole area.

Enter Formula

The last step is the value. Type some value to the P5 cell to check if the Waffle Chart is working properly.

Waffle Chart Working

In the end you can to format you chart. It can look like this…

Example Waffle Chart

…or your chart can be more fancy like this one.

Waffle Chart Three Colors


You can download the Template here – Download
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