
Anova two factor with replication

Anova means Analysis of Variance. In this Excel tutorial you will teach yourself how to perform Anova in Excel. It will be Anova two factor with replication test.Let’s start from preparing data table. Here is an example:Excel Anova Two Factor With Replication data tableNext go to the ribbon to the Data tab. Click Data Analysis button.Data Analysis ribbon buttonIf you don’t have this button it means that you have to install Analysis ToolPak add-in.New dialog box appears. Click Anova: Two-Factor With Replication option.

Excel Anova Two Factor With Replication data analysis

Select Input Range which is your data table (only numbers). In my sheet it is $A$1:$F$5. In each example (group of students) I have 3 samples. As Alpha I left default 0.05.

Excel Anova Two Factor With Replication input range

Anova test appears in the Output Range I defined.

Excel Anova Two Factor With Replication

Anova two factor with replication test could be useful for statistics of some sets of data. Excel does it really well.

Further reading:
Anova two factor without replication 
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