
Mac Excel Shortcuts

MS Excel or Microsoft Excel is currently the most popular spreadsheet software, and most people are pretty familiar with performing various operations in it. Although we can perform each operation manually, it is worth investing time and learn Excel Shortcuts. Excel Shortcuts are the best way to save time while working on vast amounts of data. But when it comes to learning Excel shortcuts, we should not confuse between shortcuts used for Windows and Mac operating systems. The shortcuts used on Windows do not typically work on Mac; even basic shortcuts might not work as desired. Excel shortcuts are supported on Mac and are pretty capable, but we must know that there is an entirely different set of Excel shortcuts for Mac.

In this article, we discuss the variety of helpful excel shortcut keys that can be used, particularly on the Mac operating system. Since Excel is a very powerful and widely used spreadsheet software and has received many features over time, it also has a long list of shortcuts. Therefore, we summarize the shortcuts accordingly into different categories. This ultimately helps us remember most of these Excel shortcuts supported on MacOS.

Before discussing the Excel shortcuts for Mac, let us discuss few important concepts related to the shortcuts so that we don’t face any difficulties:

  • MacOS contains some distinct symbols for specific keys on the keyboard. Such keys are not present in Windows. For example, the command key (⌘), control key (⌃), shift key (⇧), and the option key (⌥). These keys on MacOS play a crucial role in shortcuts and other menu functions.
  • When there is a plus sign (+) in shortcut keys, we must press corresponding keys simultaneously at a time. For example, if a shortcut key to perform any action is ‘X + Y’, we must press the ‘X’ button and the ‘Y’ button together on the keyboard.
  • When there is a function key (i.e., F1, F2, F3…F12) in shortcut keys, we must first press the ‘Fn’ key and then the corresponding function key. This is because the function keys allow users to control different features, such as controlling sound, screen brightness, video pause, play, etc. Thus, if we press only a specific function key, we will end up controlling any of the predefined Mac options, but not Excel.
    However, the behavior of function keys can be managed from the system preferences to make them work like other keys (usually called ‘standard function keys’).

Mac Excel Shortcuts

Keyboards shortcuts are the best alternatives to using a mouse or touchscreen. Let us now discuss category-wise Excel shortcut keys for Mac with the help of the following tables, which also explain the corresponding functions/uses of the keys:

General MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the most commonly used Excel shortcut keys for Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌘ + , To open options
⌘ + / To launch the Help window
⌘ + Z To undo the previous change(s)
⌘ + Y To redo the previous change(s)
⌘ + Y To repeat the last action
⌘ + C To copy the contents from the selected cell(s)
⌘ + X To cut the contents from the selected cell(s)
⌘ + V To paste the contents from the clipboard with formatting
⌘ + ⌃ + V To launch the Paste Special dialog box
⌘ + F To launch the Find and Replace window with the Find tab selected
⌃ + H To launch the Find and Replace window with the Replace tab selected
⌘ + G To find the next match
⌘ + ⇧ + G To find the previous match
⌘ + ⌥ + F1 To create an embedded chart
Fn + F11 To create a chart in a new worksheet

File Related MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform file-based operations in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌘ + N To create a new workbook
⌘ + O To open an existing workbook from the storage
⌘ + S To save a workbook
⌘ + ⇧ + S To perform the ‘Save As’ command and launch the ‘Save As’ window
⌘ + P To print a file
⌘ + W To close a current workbook
⌘ + Q To close Excel

Ribbon Related MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category contains Excel shortcuts used to perform Ribbon related tasks:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌘ + ⌥ + R To expand or collapse the Ribbon in an existing Excel window
Tab To move to the next control in Ribbon
Space To activate/ launch the selecte3d control option
Return To confirm the control changes

Tables and Filters Related MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tables and filters related operations in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌃ + T To insert the table
⌘ + ⇧ + F To toggle Autofilter
?⌥+ ↓ To activate filter
⇧ + Space To select the table row
⌃ + Space To select the table column
⌘ + A To select the table
⌥ + C To clear slicer filter
⌘ + ⇧ + T To toggle the table total row

Drag and Drop MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform drag/drop operations in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
Drag To drag and cut the selected contents
⌥ + Drag To drag and copy the selected contents
⇧ + Drag To drag and insert desired contents
⌥ + ⇧ + Drag To drag and insert the copied contents
⌘ + Drag To drag the selection to the worksheet
⌥ + Drag To drag the current window to duplicate the worksheet

Navigational MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform navigation based operations in Mac using the arrow keys:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
To move the selection one cell right of the active cell
To move the selection to one cell left of the active cell
To move the selection one cell up of the active cell
To move the selection one cell down of the active cell
Fn + ⌥ + ↓ To move one screen right
Fn + ⌥ + ↑ To move one screen left
Fn + ↑ To move one screen up
Fn + ↓ To move one screen down
⌃ + → To move to the right edge of the data region
⌃ + ← To move to the left edge of the data region
⌃ + ↑ To move to the top edge of the data region
⌃ + ↓ To move to the bottom edge of the data region
Fn + ← To move to the beginning of the row
Fn + ⌃ + → To move to the last cell of the worksheet
Fn + ⌃ + ← To move to the first cell of the worksheet
Fn + → To turn on End mode
⌃ + G + Return To go back to the hyperlink

Selection MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform selection based operations in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⇧ + Space To select the entire row
⌃ + Space To select the entire column
⌘ + A To select the entire worksheet
⇧ + Click To add/ insert adjacent cells to the selection
⌘ + Click To add/ insert non-adjacent cells to the selection
⌥ + Tab To select the same selection in a next column
⌥ + ⇧ + ↑ To select the same selection in a previous column
⌃ + ⌥ + → To move the right side between non-adjacent selections
⌃ + ⌥ + ← To move the left side between non-adjacent selections
Fn + ⇧ + F8 To toggle ‘Add to Selection’ mode
Esc To cancel the selection

Active Cell MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks related to Active cell(s) in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⇧ + Delete To select the active cell
⌘ + Delete To display the active cell on the worksheet
⌃ + . To move active cell clockwise in the selection
Return To move active cell down in the selection
⇧ + Return To move active cell up in the selection
Tab To move active cell right in the selection
⇧ + Tab To move active cell left in the selection

Extend Selection MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks related to Extend Selection in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⇧ + → To extend the selection by one cell to the right side
⇧ + ← To extend the selection by one cell to the left side
⇧ + ↑ To extend the selection by one cell to the upside direction
⇧ + ↓ To extend the selection by one cell to the bottom side
⌃ + ⇧ + → To extend the selection to the last cell on the right side
⌃ + ⇧ + ← To extend the selection to the last cell on the left side
⌃ + ⇧ + ↑ To extend the selection to the last cell in the upside direction
⌃ + ⇧ + ↓ To extend the selection to the last cell on the bottom side
Fn + ⇧ + ↑ To extend the selection to one screen to the upside direction
Fn + ⇧ + ↓ To extend the selection to one screen to the bottom side direction
Fn + ⇧ + ⌥ + ↓ To extend the selection to one screen to the right side direction
Fn + ⇧ + ⌥ + ↑ To extend the selection to one screen to the left side direction
Fn + ⇧ + ← To extend the selection to the beginning of the row
Fn + ⌃ + ⇧ + ← To extend the selection to the first cell in the worksheet
Fn + ⌃ + ⇧ + → To extend the selection to the last cell in the worksheet
Fn + F8 To toggle the Extend Selection mode

Select Special MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks related to Special Selection in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌃ + G To display the ‘Go To’ dialog box
Fn + ⌃ + ⇧ + O To select the cell with comments
⇧ + ⌃ + Space To select the current region around the active cell
⌘ + A To select the current region
⌃ + / To select the current array
⌃ + To select the row differences
⌃ + ⇧ + | To select the column differences
⌃ + [ To select the direct precedents
⌃ + ⇧ + { To select all the precedents
⌃ + ] To select the direct dependents
⌃ + ⇧ + } To select all the dependents
⌘ + ⇧ + Z To select the visible cells only

Cell Edit Mode MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks based on cell editing in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌃ + U To edit the active cell
Fn + ⇧ + + F2 To add/ edit comment
Esc To cancel entry
⇧ + → To select one character right in an edit mode
⇧ + ← To select one character left in an edit mode
⌃ + → To move the cursor one word right in an edit mode
⌃ + ← To move the cursor one word left in an edit mode
⌃ + ⇧ + → To select one word right in an edit mode
⌃ + ⇧ + ← To select one word left in an edit mode
Fn + ⇧ + ← To select all contents to the beginning of a cell in an edit mode
Fn + ⇧ + → To select all contents to the end of a cell in an edit mode
⌃ + Delete To delete the contents to the end of the cell
Delete To delete character(s) to the left side of the cursor
Fn + Delete To delete character(s) to the right side of the cursor
⌃ + ⌥ + Return To start a new line in the current active cell

Entering Data MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks based on data entering in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
Return To enter the data and move one cell down
⇧ + Return To enter the data and move one cell up
Tab To enter the data and move one cell right
⇧ + Tab To enter the data and move one cell left
⌃ + Return To enter the data and stay in the same cell
⌃ + ; To insert the current date
⌘ + ; To insert the current time
⌃ + D To fill down from the cell above
⌃ + R To fill right from the cell left
⌃ + ‘ To copy the formula from the cell above
⌃ + ⇧ + “ To copy the value from the cell above
⌘ + K To insert a hyperlink
⌥ + ↓ To show AutoComplete list

Formatting Related MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform formatting based tasks in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌘ + 1 To format anything
⌃ + ⇧ + F To display Format Cells with the Font tab selected
⌘ + B To apply/ remove bold formatting
⌘ + I To apply/ remove italic formatting
⌘ + U To apply/ remove underscoring
⌘ + ⇧ + X To apply/ remove strikethrough formatting
⌘ + ⇧ + W To add/ remove the shadow font style
⌘ + ⇧ + D To add/ remove the outline font style
⌘ + E To align the content to the center
⌘ + L To align the content to the left
⌘ + R To align the content to the right
⌃ + ⌥ + Tab To indent the selection
⌃ + ⌥ + ⇧ + Tab To remove indent
⌘ + ⇧ + > To increase the font size one step
⌘ + ⇧ + < To decrease the font size one step

Number Formatting Related MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks related to number formatting in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌃ + ⇧ + ~ To apply the general format
⌃ + ⇧ + $ To apply the currency format
⌃ + ⇧ + % To apply the percentage format
⌃ + ⇧ + ^ To apply the scientific format
⌃ + ⇧ + # To apply the date format
⌃ + ⇧ + @ To apply the time format
⌃ + ⇧ + ! To apply the number format

Borders Related MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks related to borders in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌘ + ⌥ + 0 To insert the border outline to the selected cell(s)
⌘ + ⌥ + → To insert/ remove right border
⌘ + ⌥ + ← To insert/ remove the left border
⌘ + ⌥ + ↑ To insert/ remove the top border
⌘ + ⌥ + ↓ To insert/ remove the bottom border
⌘ + ⌥ + _ To remove all borders from the selection

Formulas Related MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform formulas based tasks in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌘ + T To toggle between absolute and relative references
Fn + ⇧ + F3 To launch the ‘Insert Function’ window
⌘ + ⇧ + T To Autosum selected cells
⌃ + ` To toggle formulas On/ Off
⌃ + ⇧ + A To insert the function arguments
⌃ + ⇧ + Return To enter array formula
Fn +F9 To calculate worksheets
Fn + ⇧ + F9 To calculate active worksheets
Fn + F9 To evaluate the part of the formula
⌃ + ⇧ + U To expand/ Collapse the formula bar
Fn + ⌃ + F3 To launch the name manager
Fn + ⌃ + ⇧ + F3 To define name using the row and column labels
↓ + Tab To accept the function with Autocomplete

Grid Actions MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform Grid Actions based tasks in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌘ + ⇧ + Plus button (+) To launch the Insert Dialog window, insert row or column
⌘ + – To launch the Delete Dialog window, delete row or column, delete cells
Fn + Delete To delete the contents from the selected cells
⌃ + 0 To hide columns
⌃ + 9 To hide rows
⌃ + ⇧ + 9 To unhide rows
⌃ + ⇧ + 0 To unhide columns
⌘ + ⇧ + K To launch the Group Dialog window, group rows, and columns
⌘ + ⇧ + J To launch Ungroup Dialog window, ungroup rows and columns
⌃ + 8 To hide/ show outline symbols
⌥ + ⌘ + Plus button (+) To zoom in the worksheet
⌥ + ⌘ + – To zoom out the worksheet
⌃ + Scroll To zoom scroll

Pivot Tables MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks related to Pivot Tables in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
⌘ + ⌥ To select the entire pivot table
Space To toggle pivot table field checkboxes
⌘ + ⇧ + K To group pivot tables contents
⌘ + ⇧ + J To ungroup pivot table contents
Ctrl + – To hide pivot table contents
Fn + F11 To create/ insert a pivot chart in a new worksheet
⌘ + ⌥ + P To launch pivot table wizard

Workbook MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks related to Worksheet/ Workbook in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
Fn + ⇧ + F11 To insert a new worksheet
Fn + ⌃ + ↓ To go to the next worksheet
Fn + ⌃ + ↑ To go to the previous worksheet
Fn + F6 To move to the next pane
Fn + ⇧ + F6 To move to the previous pane
⌃ + Tab To go to the next workbook
⌃ + ⇧ + Tab To go to the previous workbook
⌘ + M To minimize the current workbook window
Fn + ⌃ + F10 To maximize the current workbook window
⇧ + Click To select adjacent worksheets
⌘ + Click To select non-adjacent worksheets
Fn + ⇧ + F14 To toggle scroll lock
⌃ + ⌘ + F To toggle full-screen view

Dialog Box Related MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform tasks related to the Dialog box in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
Tab To move to the next control
⇧ + Tab To move to the previous control
⌃ + Tab To move to the next tab
⌃ + ⇧ + Tab To move to the previous tab
Return To accept and apply the changes
Space To check and uncheck the checkboxes
Esc To cancel the changes and close the dialog box

Other MAC Excel Shortcuts

This category has the Excel shortcuts that help perform other usual tasks in Mac:

Shortcut Key(s) Action
Fn + F7 To launch the Spelling dialog window
Fn + ⇧ + F7 To launch the Thesaurus dialog window
Fn + ⌥ + F8 To launch Macro dialog window
Fn + ⌥ + F11 To launch VBA editor
⌘ + D To duplicate the selected object
To snap to grid
⌃ + 6 To hide/ show objects
⌘ + ⇧ + L To show Modify Cell Style dialog window
Fn + ⇧ + F10 To show right-click window
Fn + Shift + F10 To delete the comment
? To display the control menu

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