
Right-Click Mouse Tips In Excel

In this Excel tutorial you will learn several right-click mouse tips.

Right click to show worksheets list

Click the arrow which you can find in left bottom corner of your screen (see the picture below).

Activate menu

Now you can simply choose one sheet, click OK and go to it. This tip is useful when you work with the spreadsheet with plenty of sheets included. This way is much faster than scrolling them one-by-one.

Adding to Quick Access Toolbar

Right-click any ribbon’s button. Choose Add to Quick Access Toolbar if you use this functionality really often.

ribbon options

This way you can also Customize Quick Access ToolbarShow Quick Access Toolbar below the RibbonCustomize the Ribbon and Collapse the Ribbon.

Moving cells

Select any cell. Right-click its border and drag & drop the cell somewhere else. Now secret menu appears. Here you have choose from several options such as Move, Copy, Link or Create Hyperlink.

right-click mouse menu

Filling series

Select any cell. Move cursor to the right-bottom corner. You should see black cross here. Right-click cell and drag it down (or up/right/left). This way you can fill the series of cells in Excel.

fill series

There are also other options besides filling. You can Copy Cells, Linear Trend and Growth Trend as well.


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