
How To Use The While Wend Loop In Excel VBA Code

In this Article I will explain how to use the While Wend loop in Excel VBA Code.

We use loops in Excel when we have to run several condition checks repeatedly in Excel VBA. Sometimes we use if , end if loop which is a very simple and most used loop.

If loop:

If condition then

“Process if condition is true”

End if

Then we have a for loop if we know exactly how many times the loop must run:

For loop:

For I = 1 to N


Next i

In this loop it will run the process for N number of times.

Now sometimes we have certain condition so that we must keep the loop running as many times till the condition is not true, here comes the While Wend loop:


While condition(s)

[statements 1]

[statements 2]

[statements n]


It will keep running till condition is true:

VBA While WEND loop

First, the While condition is tested.

  • if the condition is FALSE, the program immediately jumps to the command immediately after the word Wend
  • if the condition is TRUE, then all commands inside the loop (ie between the words Do While and Loop) are executed.

Example 1: While Wend Loop basic example

Sub While_wend_Example()

Dim countA: countA = 100

While countA < 110 ‘ Test value of Counter.

MsgBox “The Current Value of the Counter is : ” & countA

countA = countA + 1 ‘ Increment Counter.


End Sub

This loop will keep running till we have the condition as true : countA value is less than 110

So this loop will run 10 times:

Iteration1 : CountA = 100

Iteration2 : CountA = 101

Iteration3 : CountA = 102

Iteration4 : CountA = 103

Iteration5 : CountA = 104

Iteration6 : CountA = 105

Iteration7 : CountA = 106

Iteration8 : CountA = 107

Iteration9 : CountA = 108

Iteration10 : CountA = 109

For next iteration CountA = 110 so condition will become false and the loop ends.

Example 2: Calculating the factorial of numbers in a While Wend Loop

Sub Factorial()

x = 0

y = 0

While x < 10

x = x+1

y = y*x


ActiveDocument.Content= “Factorial result of ” & x & ” = ” & y

End Sub

Example 3: While Wend Loop to calculate SUM in Excel.

Sub SumWhileWend()

n = InputBox(“Enter n value:”)

Dim j As Single

Dim i As Integer

i = 1

While (i <= n)

j = j + i

i = i + 1


MsgBox j

End Sub


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